Tuesday, June 25, 2013

{& then} you get writer's block

...and like not even in the fun way that's frustrating but still exciting because there are a bunch of other ideas floating around in your head but you can't focus on/move forward with a certain thought/idea/purpose.

It's very inconvenient.

You spend more time psychoanalyzing yourself or conveniently "letting" others distract the shit out of you and before you know it you sit back down to face the music and your anxiety levels are at an all time high.

Just do this. Stop being stupid about it. You're being lazy. What's so hard about it? Will you ever stop procrastinating? Do you really want to miss out on this opportunity?

It's more than that though. And just below the surface you can feel your brain/heart/soul start to get into it, but for God's sake just don't because ain't nobody got time for a melt down or an immobilizing self realization.

Just take some more shallow breaths, pour another diet coke and go listen to that one song you love to dance to in the car.

And then when you've convinced yourself that you're sufficiently distracted (in the right way this time), turn on some Bill Evans and try again.

Because if there's one thing that will take you to that perfect mental state of hopeful dreaming of the future and relaxed introspection about everything that's wrong with the world and how we should fix it (besides wine which just makes you sleepy so NO), it's jazz music.

You set this mood with a little Miles Davis, some Coltrane, Ellington, etc. But you always turn on the same tune to calm your nerves and get in the zone.

Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

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